Larry Harmsen has over 36 years of Industrial Real Estate experience in all aspects of the business including leasing, property management, development, and acquisitions across all major North American geographies from Toronto to Sao Paulo. Larry spent 10 years with Lincoln Property Company in Southern California and then 26 years with Prologis in a variety of capacities from Southern California Market Officer, Regional President of the Pacific Region, head of North American Development, COO of the Americas, and most recently Global Head of Procurement and Ancillary Real Estate Services.  

Throughout Larry’s career, he has been involved with significant industry leading initiatives both within Prologis and through his engagement with NAIOP, ULI, and the brokerage community. Prior to retirement from Prologis in March of 2021, he was involved with multiple corporate acquisitions and mergers including those of and with Meridian Industrial Trust, Dermody Properties, Catellus, KTR, AMB, and DCT Industrial.